Have you just started up your own business? Are you looking for tips to manage your cash flow? Does the cash flow management intimidate you? Worry not and Read through….
Keep track of your cash flow:
This would be the easiest tip of them all. Everything you need to do is constantly monitor and measure your cash flow. Here are some tips you can follow to do the same:
- Start measuring your cash flow
- Make a worksheet based on the cash flow
- Have a trustworthy person to monitor your cash flow
To start doing this, you must know your numbers of the cash flow precisely.
Maintain a good relationship with customers:
Your customers play a very important role in your business and your cash flow management spree. Do improve your rapport with your customers; this will help you collect your receivables without any hitch and if you are lucky you can collect more cash for your inflow, should you require.
Conflicts between the customers and you are natural phenomena in a business. You can always steer clear of them by having a definite & agreed system for payments and other things. Be specific on what is acceptable by you and what is not. Getting rid of these small conflicts can help you have happy customers. Having happy customers means your retention rate is high.
Ensure your safety
Bear this in mind, “CASH is the king.” It is necessary to maintain a cash reserve. As we all know the future is uncertain and you will never know what problems are ahead, be prepared for the worst. Maintaining a solid cash reserve will help you overcome the pitfalls. No cash at hand equals danger & unnecessary risk.
Recognize and Reward your employees
Introduce some sale incentives for your employees. Have your employees work for you willingly; this will boost their performance and in turn your cash inflow. The same applies for your customers; incentivize them to get your payments early.
Use the technology effectively
The technology available today saves cost hugely and makes you more productive and efficient. That said you must be cautious. Frequently updating your computers, software, or mobile phones can be a very costly affair and affect your cash inflow. When it comes to the latest technology, you must be discreet.
Here’s a bonus cash flow management tip for you: if you need machinery upgrade or any other equipments, always buy used ones. The price of the goods slashes by at least 15% after they are sold. And, sell your old machinery or equipments before buying a new one.
These are just a few tips that you must follow to streamline your cash flow, but there’s more to this. Managing your cash flow diligently can help you be successful in your business and financially.
Hire a professional to provide you always with good recommendations and suggestions. Contact Joyce at +1-516-717-2049 to touch base with an accounting expert and help you with all accounting activities.
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