Are you a single owner or an active member of an LLC (Limited Liability Company)? Are you looking to transform your company to a multi-member LLC? Whatever it is, you will have some questions on the tax part of your business. Below are a few things you need to know as an LLC owner: Tax laws for LLC- Basic: Firstly, it is very important to know the way in which an LLC is structured as stated by the tax law. Corporation and LLC are very different in terms of taxation. An LLC is not considered and taxed as a separate business unit and all the profits & losses go to each member of the company. The members of LLC must file their profits and losses on their personal tax returns, like any other owners of the partnership. The business doesn’t need to pay the federal taxes. This rule is not applicable in all the states, though; there are a few states who want LLCs to pay taxes annually. Based on the number of members in an LLC, the Internal Revenue Service will con...
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