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Showing posts from August, 2018

Always Available Velan's #outsourced #bookkeeping & #accounting services are a continuous process. We're always available, and meet deadlines with fierce accuracy.

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Velan Bookkeeping has over a decade of experience offering robust, reliable and quick, offshore bookkeeping services to some of the biggest accounting firms in Dover. #OffshoreBookkeepingServices #AccountingServicesinDelaware #BookkeepingServicesInDelaware #outsourcedBookkeepingServices #BookkeepingServices #accountability #Bookkeeping #Delaware

via Velan Bookkeeping Services

Secret to Hiring the right Bookkeeping - outsourced bookkeeping services

Secret to Hiring the right Company for Your Bookkeeping Small businesses sail through a sea of scathing conditions, especially during their initial stages. With limited manpower, and agendas spewing way past business hours, it almost always is a full plate. Ideally yet ironically, bookkeeping happens to be one of the most critical and least favourite activities of small business owners. Many would prefer a root canal sitting with a dentist over balancing their books. Sidelining bookkeeping can result in adverse repercussions that can even endanger the very existence of the business. #Accountingfirms #BookkeepingServices #outsourcedbookkeepingservices #outsourced #bookkeeping #services from Velan Bookkeeping Services

Why Managing Accounts Receivables Could Save Your Business

Why #Managing #Accounts #Receivables Could Save Your #Business According to a study cited in Entrepreneur Magazine, a bank found that as many as 82 percent of businesses fail due to cash flow management issues. As obvious as it may sound, one of the most effective ways to establish sustainable cash flow for your business would be to proactively manage your accounts receivable. Here are few tips that can help avert cash crunch and ease cash flow: #ManagingAccountsReceivables #Bookkeeping from Velan Bookkeeping Services

Top 5 Bookkeeping Tips for Small Businesses Bookkeeping

Top 5 Bookkeeping Tips for Small Businesses Bookkeeping plays a pivotal role in the functioning of any business enterprise. On the whole, it encompasses various procedures and processes that are as complex as they are critical. So, it would be smart to always have someone competent in this area manage its affairs. Following are some tips that can help mollify the various convoluted intricacies involved in bookkeeping: #Bookkeeping #Small #Business #Owners #BookkeepingforSmallBusinessOwners #BookkeepingforSmallBusiness #SmallBusiness #accounting #tax #accountability #cpa #accountspayable from Velan Bookkeeping Services

Exemplary Outsourcing Services for CPAs and CPA Firms | Accounting Firms | Offshore Accounting Services | Affordable

Have accurate hashtag#financial details to proactively serve your client. Smaller hashtag#CPA hashtag#firms can grow business multifold - no need to hire additional work force. Larger hashtag#CPAfirms can work on the important aspects of client’s profitability strategies, as you don't need to spend much time in cleaning up their books. More focus in providing value added services to clients and retain them for long. Handle fluctuating volumes of work - we support you during both lean and peak periods. Partner with us and reap the benefits like other hashtag#CPAs/CPA firms, associated with us. from Velan Bookkeeping Services